August 22, 2024
emSigner Editorial

Top 5 Most FAQs About How to Electronically Sign a Document


In today's fast-paced digital world, efficient document management is essential for both businesses and individuals. Electronic signatures (e-signatures) have revolutionized the way documents are signed, offering convenience, security, and speed. However, many people still have questions about the legality, security, and process of using e-signatures. In this guide, we answer five of the most commonly asked questions about electronically signing documents.

1. I Typed My Name on a Form and Clicked Send. Is That a Legally Valid Signature?

Yes, typing your name on a form and clicking send can be considered a legally valid signature, but it depends on the context and the type of e-signature used. According to regulations like the eIDAS in Europe and the E-SIGN Act in the United States, this action qualifies as an "electronic signature" or "simple electronic signature." While these signatures are generally recognized by law, they may have limitations, such as weaker identification verification.

To address these concerns, "advanced electronic signatures" offer higher legal assurances by binding the signature to the signer's identity through biometric data, secure timestamps, and encryption. This makes it much harder to challenge the authenticity of the signature in legal scenarios.

2. Do I Need to Initial Every Page of a Document to Make It Legally Binding?

No, you do not need to initial every page of a document when using e-signatures. Traditionally, initials were used on paper documents to confirm that each page had been reviewed and agreed upon. However, modern e-signature solutions provide encryption and secure timestamps that ensure the integrity of the entire document.

E-signature platforms typically allow you to sign once, and the signature applies to the entire document. Any changes made after signing would be detected, making page-by-page initials unnecessary. This approach simplifies the process while maintaining the document's integrity.

3. Can My Signature Be Stored and Reused on Other Documents?

Technically, an image of your handwritten signature can be stored and reused, but this practice is not recommended due to security risks. Storing your signature as a digital file (e.g., .png or .jpg) makes it vulnerable to unauthorized use. If someone gains access to this file, they could misuse your signature without your consent.

Advanced e-signature solutions, like emSigner, do not store or reuse signature images. Instead, they use unique biometric data for each signature instance, ensuring that the signature is genuine and tied to the individual signer. This method provides a higher level of security and authenticity.

4. How Does a Handwritten Signature Differ from an Electronic Signature?

Handwritten and electronic signatures differ in several key ways:

  • Handwritten Signature: This is the traditional method of signing a document with pen and paper. While widely recognized, it lacks the security features of digital signatures.
  • Digital Signature: A type of electronic signature that uses encryption to validate the document's integrity and the signer's identity. Digital signatures offer a high level of security but may not explicitly identify the signer's intent or identity like some advanced electronic signatures.
  • Electronic Signature: According to the eIDAS Regulation, an electronic signature is data in electronic form that is attached to or logically associated with other data and used by the signatory to sign. This broad category includes both simple and advanced electronic signatures, with the latter providing more legal weight and enhanced security.

5. Does My Electronic Signature Need to Resemble My Handwritten Signature?

No, your electronic signature does not need to resemble your handwritten signature. Advanced e-signature solutions capture biometric data such as the speed, pressure, and rhythm of your signature, which can be used to authenticate your identity. This biometric data provides a strong method of verification, even if the visual appearance of the e-signature differs from your handwritten signature.

While an e-signature may look different, the underlying biometric data ensures that it is authentic and legally binding.


E-signatures have transformed the way documents are signed, offering a secure and efficient alternative to traditional methods. Understanding the answers to common questions about their legality, security, and functionality can help you make informed decisions about using e-signatures. Whether you need a simple or advanced electronic signature, the right solution will depend on your specific needs regarding security and legal compliance.

If you're looking for a reliable and secure electronic signature solution, consider emSigner. Our advanced e-signature platform offers the highest level of security and compliance with industry standards, ensuring that your document workflows are smooth, secure, and legally binding.

Ready to streamline your document workflow?
Contact us today for a free consultation
and discover how emSigner can revolutionize your document signing process.